Australia’s first share trading platform to combine activism with investing

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Australia’s first share trading platform to combine activism with investing

Australia’s first share trading platform to combine activism with investing

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SIX is the trading platform that unites shareholders to push big companies to go green, reduce inequality and be better for workers.

Business as usual
is over.

Never doubt that a small number of people shareholders can change the world

Our mission is to increase the shareholder power of investors. Don’t just invest, join a community of investors driving positive change at Australia’s largest companies. 

Ethical investing
coming soon

Manage your entire share portfolio with SIX, not just your activist shares. Easily find and trade ASX listed companies and ETFs. Save hours of research with plain language ethical profiles. Search for companies that match your values. Avoid companies exposed to slave labour or heavy polluters and find companies that are most likely to benefit from the clean energy transition.

Activist investing

When you own shares in a company, you have a say in that company. When many people own shares, they have a much bigger say! That’s what activist investing is - buying shares in unethical companies, joining a community of activist investors, and working together to change companies for the better. SIX connects you with the campaigns and communities working to create change.

Shareholder Activism campaigns coming soon...

Current Campaigns

Our current shareholder activism campaigns

Want to join a campaign? Click 'Learn more' to find out how you can help and truly unleash your shareholder power!

Current Campaign

Vote out the Chair of Woodside

Woodside must be held accountable for their reckless gas expansion plans by voting out Richard Goyder.

Current Campaign

Vote out the Chair of Santos

We can send Santos a clear message about their dirty gas expansion plans by voting out Keith Spence.

Current Campaign

Woolies & Coles can Save the Skate!

Woolworths & Coles can help save the endangered Maugean Skate, an animal as old as the dinosaurs.

Coming soon...

Woolworths & Coles

Woolworths & Coles operate a supermarket duopoly, giving them control over everything from supply chains to plastic packaging. It’s time to clean up their act.

Coming soon...

Whitehaven Coal

Whitehaven Coal is a huge coal company in Australia that continues to push ahead with expansion plans. They must be stopped.

The one stop shop for ethical investing

Invest in and manage all your ASX investments on one platform. Your ethical investing shares and activist investing shares in the same place.

Read ethical profiles on all the largest companies and ETFs listed on the ASX, saving you hours of research and allowing you to trade with confidence. 

Search for companies based on ethical criteria, and build watchlists of your favourite companies. 

Enjoy lower trading fees than the big bank brokers, from as little as $9.90 (for trades up to $10,000)